Birth Date: November 27, 2011
Diagnosis: Atypical Teratoid Rhabdoid
Jayden's Story
Jayden fell at school on the 11th of January. We took him to the hospital to get a quick check up, and the hospital staff was going to send him home with a concussion. I asked them to do a Cat scan. The CT showed a mass in front of his cerebellum and behind his brain stem. The doctors said to go home, pack some clothes and get our affairs in order. They were sending Jayden to Childrens Hospital in Akron, Ohio that day. We followed the ambulance on the trip to Akron. The doctors at Childrens acted quickly. They intubated and sedated Jayden so that a 3-hour MRI could be done. The neurosurgeon needed a better picture of what was going on.
The doctor advised us that it was in fact a tumor and that Jayden would be prepped for surgery for the next morning. On January 12th we waited 9 hours for him to come out of surgery. The doctor said the tumor had been successfully removed, and that it was most likely cancerous. We had to wait nearly 2 weeks to find out that he had at/rt. That is a very rare and aggressive Cancer. Jayden has experienced some short term memory loss, and may develop other complications during or after treatment. We made the decision to take him to St. Jude for radiation and chemotherapy. We will be here for at least a year.
Jayden has been through brain surgery, days of sedation, xrays, MRIs, CT scans, anesthesia, medications, and physical therapy. He had a shunt placed in his head to drain fluid, a mediport placed to receive medication, radiation and chemo. He has been away from home, family, school and his animals since January 11th when this all started. He is being told that he cannot ever play baseball again. He loved baseball and was very good at.

"Jayden got his quilt today. He loves it .. I love it! Thank you for doing this for him, and to everyone who stitched a square."