Birth Date: June 28, 2015
Diagnosis: Posterior fossa Arachnoid Cyst, 47XYY, Congenital Vertical Talus, Bronchial Pulmonary Displayia, Tethered Spinal Cord, Type 2 Laryngeal cleft
Theme: Construction & Farm Vehicles and Machinery
Due Date: May 1, 2019
Asher's Story
Asher was born early at 30 weeks. He spent 62 days in the NICU and has hard a very hard road from day one. We always say Asher is not a quitter. He has an extra chromosome called 47xyy/Jacobs Syndrome.
Since leaving the NICU he has been in and out of the hospital non stop and had many surgeries. He has had two foot surgeries for a foot deformity called Congenital Vertical Talus. He was casted for five weeks on one leg before they did surgery. He has had throat surgery for a type 2 Laryngeal Cleft, brain surgery for a posterior fossa Arachnoid cyst, back surgery for a tethered spinal cord, tubes in his ears, and eye surgery on his tear ducts.
He has had so many tests and MRIs that we can't even count anymore. He also has low muscle tone and is very hyper dorsiflexed. So he walks on the inside of his feet and with a limp. He does wear braces and they tend to help. He also struggles with holding objects and using his hands with everyday activities. He can do it but just does it his way. It's Asher's normal. His fine motor skills just need more practice. He also has some sensory issues that we work on everyday.
He is an amazing little boy and we are such proud parents to call him ours. He has four siblings. Three older sisters and a baby brother that love him dearly.

"One happy kiddo right here. We are so blessed by everyone who put the time and effort into Asher's quilt. Thank you all so much. My heart is melting."