Robert "Lil Bob" S.
South Carolina
Birth Date - March 30, 2016
Diagnosis - Ventricular Septal & Atrial Septal CHD
Theme: Whimsical Dogs
Due Date: December 1, 2019
Lil Bob's Story
We knew during my pregnancy that something was wrong with Lil Bob's heart. When he was born he was diagnosed with VSD ASD. At 3 weeks old he aspirated on formula in my lap and turned blue. I did CPR and got him back. He spent 15 days inpatient and came home with an NG tube. A year later that was replaced with a G tube. He had been diagnosed with Failure to Thrive and needed the tubes for nutrition. He mostly eats regularly now, but we still use the G tube when he doesn't eat enough by mouth. The doctors have said he gets tired from his heart defects, and is burning as many calories eating as he is taking in.
Lil Bob had failed his new born hearing test, and at 3 weeks old he had a sedated abr test to see what he could hear. He is considered 100 percent deaf in his left ear, and can only hear very loud noises ... like a fire truck or train. His right ear is moderate.
Lil Bob is facing one or two heart surgeries to correct the Congenital Defects. If we're able to wait on surgery until his heart is big enough, he will only have one. The goal is to be able to place the blocker to stop the fluid at that time. If not he will have to have another surgery as a teenager.

"Thanks so much. He loves it. It's beautiful. Way more than I expected. I just noticed each dog is done by a different person."