Birth Date - December 12, 2016
Diagnosis - B-Cell ALL
Theme: Micky Mouse Clubhouse &
Paw Patrol
Due Date: September 1, 2019
Sabrina's Story
Before diagnosis Sabrina was a happy, super smart, full of life and energetic little girl. Two weeks prior to the diagnosis I started to notice that she was not eating as much. She went from having a great appetite and eating all kinds of things to not having a complete meal. Her sleep patterns had changed a bit but nothing too alarming. I thought it was all related to new teeth coming in. Then she started getting bruises in odd spots on her body. I took her to the pediatrician. They did blood work and saw her levels were down. They sent us to Cohen's Childrens ER for further testing. After a couple of long days waiting for the results, it came back that she has B-Cell ALL. That was on April 17, 2019. They immediately admitted Sabrina and started treatment the next day.
From the time of diagnosis until today Sabrina has had 2 spinal taps with sedation, multiple rounds of chemo, daily oral chemo and other meds. Her body is so worn out. She hasn't been home in almost a month.
Sabrina is very close to her 5 1/2-year-old sister, and hasn't seen her in that time.
Unfortunately her sister isn't allowed in her room, or even on the unit. The girls miss each other very much. Any sort of comfort that will help with Sabrina's morale is very appreciated.

"We received the quilt on Saturday, and Sabrina was so happy. Thank you so much for taking the time to stitch each piece specifically for Sabrina. I hope you can see her pure happiness in the picture."