Birth Date - July 13, 2010
Diagnosis - AML
Bryant's Story
Bryant was always an active, happy, typical sports loving kid. He started showing strange symptoms at the beginning of May. His doctor thought I was over reacting and diagnosed him with a virus. When bruises and petechia rash showed up, I knew what it was. I took him back to the doctor for the third time and demanded answers.
He finally rechecked his CBC and his platelets were extremely low. They referred us to Children's Hospital in Birmingham ER. We were taken right in. The doctor there told us that it could be something simple but could also be something bad. They ran tests and 1 1/2 hours later told us he had Leukemia but they weren't sure what type.
It was a Friday evening and we had to wait three days for them to confirm it was AML, Acute Myloid Leukemia. The next day he had a central line placed and started chemo.
Bryant has been so strong. He doesn't have much reaction to the chemo other than rashes and fevers. He takes everything like a champ. He is the strongest kid I know. He is on his 3rd round of treatment, and is always inpatient for chemo and count recovery. He is just ready to get this over with so he can get back to playing sports.

"Thank you to the wonderful ladies of Love Quilts USA for the beautiful quilt you sent Bryant. He absolutely loves it. Thank you for giving back to these kiddos fighting cancer!"