Birth Date - December 2, 2014
Diagnosis - Pre-B ALL
Dylan's Story
Dylan is a happy, smart and silly three year old and twin brother to Tyler. He always has a smile on his face and is one of the sweetest boys you'll ever meet. Dylan has always been a thinker, and likes to take his toys apart to "see how they work". This is where the nickname Dylan the Destroyer comes from.
On January 18, 2017, Dylan was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, Pre-B. His team of doctors quickly came up with an aggressive treatment plan, surgically implanted a medical port, and started chemotherapy the very next day. In addition to chemo, he has had numerous admissions to Children's Hospital since his diagnosis, ranging from 4 to 10 day stays. He has undergone several spinal taps, multiple blood transfusions and bone marrow tests. His initial bone marrow test classified him as a Very High Risk patient.
Dylan is doing very well and his body has been receptive to the treatments/procedures performed thus far. However, he has a long road to recovery ahead. His scheduled end of treatment date is May 18, 2020.
As a result of Dylan's diagnosis, we were required to get a zygosity test for the boys. This DNA test revealed that Dylan and Tyler are in fact identical twins. What this will mean for Tyler is that his probability (over being a fraternal twin) of being diagnosed with Leukemia is now greater. Tyler is showing no signs of Leukemia, but it is recommended that he be tested every three months.

"Dylan received his Cars quilt today! What a nice surprise on this gray, rainy day! Thank you so much, he loves it!! Dylan and his twin brother Tyler love walking on the squares and cuddling up together under the quilt."