Birth Date - August 15, 2011
Diagnosis - Holmes Heart
Theme: Whimsical KITTENS & PUPPIES
NOT realistiic
Due Date: 3/1/18
Isabella's Story
We found out at 19 weeks in utero that Isabella had a rare, congenital heart defect. She was diagnosed with Holmes Heart. That is a double inlet left ventricle with normally related great arteries, and hypoplastic right heart, which means half a heart. It is a very rare condition.
Her cardiologist decided to place a PA Band at 12 weeks of age because she was in congestive heart failure. The first surgery was the roughest, because she was so sick. We spent months in the hospital. The second surgery, the Glenn, was performed when she was 9 months old. That was also very hard and very painful for her. We spent a couple weeks in the hospital, but overall she did very well. Life became a little more "normal" for us, and we enjoyed taking her outside more, going places and being around other kids.
The third palliative surgery was the Fontan. This surgery showed once again, what a rockstar she really is! The surgery went well and we were home within days. This girl was almost RUNNING around the hospital halls just 72 hours after surgery! I was shocked! She amazes me all the time, but to see her do so awesome after this surgery made me so proud.
She runs and plays with all the other children and does her best to keep up. We try not to limit her and let her be as normal as possible. She is doing well in academics and has recently learned how to read. She has a smile that lights up a room and a spirit like no other. She is the bravest girl I know. Her heart will never be "normal" or whole, but she's a fighter!!

"It's so beautiful, and she's so blessed to receive such a nice gift. Thank you ladies. She loves it."