Birth Date - February 3, 2015
Diagnosis - Retinoblastoma
Theme: Toy Story
Due Date: 11/1/18
Colt's Story
When Colt was about 15-16 months old we noticed his left eye was presenting like a lazy eye. His doctor suggested he needed to have an eye exam, and would probably get a patch and glasses to help strengthen his left eye. After having a detailed eye exam, we were told Colt had a very large tumor in his left eye and would need to have another eye exam. That exam would need to be under anesthesia and he would also need an MRI to determine if it was a cancerous.
The studies confirmed our worst fears. The tumor was cancerous and there were actually six tumors. Colt needed to begin chemotherapy right away. He had 6 rounds of chemotherapy under anesthesia, which reduced the size of the largest tumor and made the other tumors disappear. For some time he had anesthesia for eye exams every 2-3 months and every 6 months for repeat MRIs of his head and orbit.
Colt started wearing glasses at the end of his chemotherapy sessions to help strengthen what vision he had left in his left eye and to protect the right eye. He has worn his glasses every day like a true champ. In December we were told he had lost the remaining vision in his left eye.
In April we celebrated a huge milestone of him being chemo free for an entire year. Every 8-12 weeks Colt has UA eye exams, and MRIs every 6 months. Those will continue at least until age 5. We believe after that it will be once a year.
Colt is such an inspiration and no matter what is going on he always wears a smile and doesn't let anything slow him down.

"We can't thank you enough for the beautiful Toy Story quilt Colt received. We all love it ... especially Colt. Thank you to each and every person that took the time and effort to put together his quilt. It's absolutely beautiful!"