Birth Date - October 25, 2012
Diagnosis - Leukemia - ALL
Theme: Mickey Mouse Clubhouse -
Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Daisy, Goofy & Pluto only
Due Date: 9/1/18
Brooklynn's Story
In December of 2016 when Brooklynn was 4, she got sick with strep throat. We treated her and immediately after that she got a horrible cold that lasted through Christmas. Christmas Day she was so sick she just laid on the floor and slept while everyone opened gifts. Around New Years she fell in her Grandma's kitchen. We thought she hurt her left elbow because she wouldn't use her left arm. A few days later she stopped using her right arm also.
We scheduled an appointment with her pediatrician for January 6, 2017. We went in and I asked the doctor to test her for Leukemia. Brooklyn was born with Down Syndrome and has a higher chance of developing Leukemia. We were sent to the hospital for blood work and an X-ray of her elbow. A few hours after returning home we got the call that our concerns of Leukemia were confirmed. We were to take her to Primary Childrens right away to be admitted and start treatment.
That is where we spent the next 30 days while Brooklynn had surgery to place a port, had a lumbar puncture, and the first phase of her treatment. The treatment plan spans 2 1/2 years. She came home after 30 days unable to walk. She was so sick while inpatient that she didn't walk at all, and her muscles atrophied, It took her weeks before she would even roll over in bed by herself again. She spent another 2 weeks in June and 2 weeks in July inpatient as well. She started her maintenance phase in September and is doing great. That phase will last for a year and a half.

"Thank you so much for the hard work, talent and love that go into making these quilts! We love it and Brooklynn loves it! Thanks a million!"