Birth Date - May 1, 2010
Diagnosis - Embryonal Rhabdomyosarcoma
Due Date: 6/1/18
Bravyck's Story
On October 24th we had an appointment with a urologist for an unrelated reason. The Nurse Practitioner noticed a lump on my sons testicle and immediately got the doctor. He examined him and wanted him in for an ultrasound right away. After seeing those results, the doctor said he was very certain it was Rhabdomyosarcoma. Bravyck had a CT scan the following day and surgery the day after that. They were able to resect the tumor completely. Unfortunately due to it being fused to his testicle, that had to be removed along with most of the cord.
We met with the oncologist who confirmed it was indeed Embryonal Rhabdo. We discussed the results of the CT scan (no lymph node involvement), and scheduled a bone scan and bone marrow biopsy. Thankfully both were negative.
We were told Bravyck needed to start 24 weeks of VAC chemotherapy. On November 9th he had a port a cath placed. His first treatment was on the 15th. After the 3rd treatment he started losing his hair. He has remained very upbeat through this ordeal but has been incredibly sick. We are currently waiting for approval for the homebound program since he's missing so much school.

"Oh my gosh. It's amazing and so beautiful !!"