Gabriel O.
South Carolina
Birth Date - May 15, 2014

Diagnosis - Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome

To include: Spiderman, Batman, Peppa Pig, Mickey Mouse, Skateboards, Guitars, & Drums

Due Date: 5/1/18
Gabriel's Story

Gabriel was born on May 15th 2014, weighing 7 lbs, 8 oz. He was so beautiful and perfect on the outside. Later that day I was given heartbreaking news. Gabriel has HLHS (Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome). HLHS is a rare congenital heart defect in which the left ventricle of the heart is severely underdeveloped.

 He had his first open heart surgery (The Norwood Hybrid) at just one week old. It was a rough start, and since then he has had a bumpy road. As of today he has had 5 surgeries. He will have another open heart surgery on December 6th.

 Gabriel is so full of love and can light up a room with his smile. He doesn't let his half a heart stop him. 
Below is a list of patterns that have been chosen for this quilt.
Please check this list for duplications before signing up.
Link to sign-up form is at the bottom of the list.
Accepting 12 signups

1. Pam R - WA - Mother's request - Pam's design - NA - Heart w/ "Heart Warrior, half the heart, twice the fight"
2. Sandy S - MO - www.braceletbook.com - Batman - NA - Cape silhouette w/ "Batman"
3. Sandy G - VA - www.freepuntodecruz.blogspot.com - Spiderman - NA - Head shot
4. Fran G - FL - Mauricette Designs - Spiderman - NA - Full body crouching
5. Sandra P - FL - www.encantosempontocruz-barbie.blogspot.com - Skateboarder - NA - Cartoon boy on skateboard
6. Tracey W - ME - Etsy Rainbowstitchcross - Peppa Pig Family - NA - Peppa, husband, & 2 piglets
7. Jani P - CT - Vickery Collection - Guitars - NA - Collage of 4 guitars
8. Frank O - TX - Sports That Count #7 - Skateboard - Pg 25 - Crouching w/ bottom of board & wheels showing
9. Jeanne O - TX - Paragon's Walt Disney Characters - Mickey - Pg 2 - Standing w/ hands behind back
10. Peggy G - FL - www.my-cross-stitch-patterns.com - Shy Mickey Mouse - NA - Standing partial side view w/ head down & eyes up
11. Nancy F - IL - Margaret Sherry's Twelve Days of Christmas - 12 Drummers Drumming - Pg 115 - Cartoon dog playing drums
12. Carrie H - MO - www.my-cross-stitch-patterns.com - Mickey Mouse - NA - Playing a guitar