Birth Date - April 1, 2010
Diagnosis - Ewings Sarcoma
Theme: University of Michigan Football
Due Date: 5/1/18
Conner's Story
It all began in September 2016. Conner started having knee pains. I took him to his doctor who thought it was growing pains and said to give him Tylenol or ibuprofen for pain. Fast forward a month and my son was still having pains in his knee. The doctor still thought it was growing pains and said to continue the ibuprofen and Tylenol. A couple more months went by and the pain was still there and getting worse. The doctor ordered an xray of his knee, and the xrays came back fine. He said to continue the ibuprofen and Tylenol as needed for pain. Another month went by and pain is still there and getting worse.
Finally the doctor referred him to an orthopedic specialist. We went to the specialist, who thought Conner was having pain due to a virus. One month later Conner was still in pain and having a hard time walking. Blood work was done and we were referred to a pediatric rheumatologist. The rheumatologist ordered an MRI of his knee and a pelvic ultrasound. Both tests came back good. Two weeks later my sons knee was hurting so bad he could barely walk, and he was having bladder incontinence. We went back to the rheumatologist. She thought it would be in his best interest to be admitted to the hospital so all the specialists could try and figure out what was going on.
After examining Connor, the specialsts ordered an MRI of his spine. They found a tumor by his spine and tailbone. A biopsy was done and it came back as Ewings Sarcoma of the sacrum. Since then he has had a cat scan, a pet scan, and a port placed so he can receive chemotherapy. He has to be admitted to the hospital for anywhere from 2 to 5 days every other week for chemo.

"Conner just got home from getting chemo. The Michigan quilt put a smile on his face. Thank you everyone who helped make the quilt. Its absolutely amazing!!!"