Birth Date - April 28, 2010
Diagnosis - Aplastic Anemia
Savannah's Story
In early March Savannah was flown to Childrens Hospital in Aurora, Colorado for testing to see why her platelets, red blood cells and white blood cells are so low. At first they were thinking leukemia. After spending the weekend in the cancer unit we were told it is Aplastic Anemia (bone marrow failure), which can be equally serious. She was released to outpatient, and her doctors felt it would be better for us to stay close to the hospital since she has so many frequent visits.
We are staying at the Ronald McDonald house while trying to find our own place and a job for Savannah's Dad. We want our family back together and to take better care of Savannah and our family as a whole. Savannah had to have blood draws once a week for 30 days. They are giving her 30 days to see if her immune system catches up and cures her. If it doesn't she will get chemotherapy to suppress her immune system to prepare her for a bone marrow transplant. There are about 10% of cases where children get better on their own.
UPDATE: April 2, 2017
Dylan is a match to donate bone marrow to little sister! He is so excited and proud and honored to be possibly saving his sister's life.