Birthdate: October 29, 2013
Diagnosis: Rhabodoid Tumor
Mila's Story
In the beginning of March 2016, Mila got sick and her doctor thought she had the flu. About a week later she developed a lump around her eye. The doctor’s prescribed eye drops and thought it was just pink eye. Her symptoms began to get better but then would appear worse. We weren't satisfied with her eye not healing, and we noticed her eye movement looked different. We decided to take her to the emergency room.
During that visit, Mila had a CT scan and we were presented with some terrible news. Our baby girl had a mass just outside of her brain. Hospital doctors told us very little, but said our daughter needed to be transported by ambulance to Children's Medical Center in Dallas. They said Children's was already alerted and that we would be provided with more information there.
Mila had to endure a MRI, Stem Cell and Bone Marrow testing. She was diagnosed with Malignant Rhabdoid Tumor. It is a very rare and aggressive tumor and the location is inoperable. Her course of treatment was chemo and radiation.
Mila completed 33 weeks of a 52-week protocol on extensive chemo along with 6 weeks of proton radiation when the tumor stopped responding. She was then placed on a targeted study trial for 8 weeks without any successful results. In January 2017 Mila was accepted into another targeted study trial at St. Jude. In June 2017 we ended our time at St. Jude due to progressive disease that had spread to other areas of her brain and lungs. We returned home and she has since been placed on hospice. We continue to pray for a miracle and embrace each day we are given with our angel.