Birthdate: October 24, 2001
Diagnosis: Osteosarcoma
Joseph's Story
In December 2016 Joseph started complaining of pain in his collar bone, and would wake up crying. After 3 days of this his doctor was called. He had an x-ray on the 30th. The results came back as a clear and clean with no breaks, fractures, or lesions. We were told Joe could possibly have a small bone spur, and they would x-ray in 12 weeks.
In 6 weeks he had a golf size lump. We requested a new x-ray. They wanted to wait the recommended 12 weeks. I said absolutely not, and that I would take him to the Emergency Room. The x-ray was ordered and completed the same day at 3:00PM, and at 4:30PM I received a phone call saying to take Joe to Childrens Hospital the next morning to get a MRI. That was done by 8:30AM and by 10:00PM I had a call that Joe had a appointment with a Orthopedic surgeon the following day for a biopsy. That was a Tuesday, the appointment was Wednesday and the biopsy was done that Friday. Things were happening fast.
His doctors got the pathology report the following Tuesday, he had scans all day Wednesday and Thursday, more scans Monday through Wednesday the next week, and on that Friday surgery to place a double Meda Port. Chemo started that Saturday. It was February 17th.
The 12th week of treatment Joe had surgery to completely remove his collar bone, and we got scan results. There is possible metastasis to his right knee and lung.
Weeks 13 & 14 were at home for surgery recovery. We are now in week and back inpatient for Chemotherapy. Week 20 will be CT Scans and MRI of his knee, biopsy of the knee, and removal of the nodule in his lung. Joe is facing a minimum of 6 more months of chemo due to the lack of necrosis of his cancer.

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