Birthdate: July 6, 2010
Diagnosis: Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
Brylee's Story
Brylee is normally a healthy, sassy, sweet, loving and physically active child who loves to sing, dance, dress up, write and draw. In the Spring of this year, she started experiencing on and off fevers, a distended abdomen, fatigue, patichaie and body aches. As her symptoms worsened over a 3 week period, I knew I could no longer take the advise of her pediatricians office. I chose to drive Brylee to Dell Children's Hospital in the hope the doctors there would thoroughly examine her.
Immediately they ordered full lab work and x-rays. When the results came back, she was admitted. The next day I received the worse news of my life. Brylee's blood work identified patterns consistent with leukemia, and on that Tuesday morning, the Oncologist confirmed the diagnosis ... Acute B-Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia.
Chemotherapy treatment was started immediately. Brylee's abdomen was so enlarged because the cancer had begun to settle in her liver, spleen and kidneys ... making them swell to sizes larger than what would be typically found in an adult.
Brylee's diagnosis will dramatically alter her lifestyle and daily activities due to all her treatments. Brylee will be unable to return to school for a period of up to six months due to her low immune system and side effects of chemo. She will be unable to participate in the activities she loves ... fishing, camping, swimming at the beach and lake, hanging out with all of her cousins and friends. Her team of doctors say it will take a minimum of 2 years of treatments to beat this type of leukemia. There are many potential complications along this journey and I'm praying that she will WIN this battle.

"She loved the quilt! I love the quilt! Thank you for putting a smile on my child's face and in her heart. So very thankful!"