Birth Date - September 9, 2014
Diagnosis - Primary Ciliary Dyskensia
Atticus' Story
Atticus was diagnosed with a rare disease called PCD, Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia. PCD has no cure. It affects the respiratory system and also the ears and nose. It affects the lungs to the extent that it can require a lung transplant. There is still so much to learn about PCD. As of right now, there are only about 500 people in the United States that are known to have it.
We were lucky to find out when Atticus was young enough that t hadn't started damaging his lungs. Unfortunately there isn't much that we can do other than treat the symptoms as they come. The symptoms have increased in frequency over the past year. Atticus has been in and out of the hospital since he was 6 months old. He sees many specialty doctors, takes countless medications, and is on an airway clearance vest 4 times a day for a half hour each time. He isn't allowed to play outside because he ends up getting sick or his breathing gets worse due to seasonal allergens.
Atticus is the most amazing little boy, so creative and smart. He has a heart of gold, and no matter what he goes through, he stays happy and positive. Even while admitted to the hospital he stays in good spirits. He plays and creates new pictures for his nurses and the other kids. He can make friends with anyone he meets. Atticus has been through a tough time this past year.

Thank You
"Atticus LOVES his quilt!! Thank you so much."