Birth Date - July 10, 2009
Diagnosis - Ewings Sarcoma
Maegan's Story
Maegan was diagnosed on September 29, 2017 with Ewing's Sarcoma of her left clavicle bone. She had been complaining of her "shoulder" hurting for about a year and a half at the time of diagnosis. I had taken her to the pediatrician and to an orthopedist to get X-rays, but nothing showed up and they didn't have any answers for me. It wasn't until a lump showed up that she noticed it and told us on September 21st. Eight days later after an X-ray, an MRI, and biopsy of the site she was diagnosed.
Tons of testing followed to figure out the extent of the disease. The main tests were a CT scan, a PET scan and an echocardiogram. When the doctors had all the results, they made a plan for treatment. She had a port placed and a bone marrow biopsy done to see if the cancer was in her bone marrow. The surgery went well and there was zero evidence that the cancer was in her bone marrow. Also the other tests came back showing that the cancer was localized to her clavicle and wasn't anywhere else in her body. That was the best news ever, Especially since this type of cancer is very aggressive.
Her treatment plan is also very aggressive and involves 5 different types of chemo. The plan consists of 6 round of chemo, then surgery to remove her clavicle, then 8 more rounds of chemo. She should be done with treatment in summer of 2018 if all goes as planned.
At that time we are hoping she can start back to 4th grade. She only got to attend about a month of 3rd grade. That part has been very devastating to Maegan. It's hard for your world to be turned upside down and be pulled from school and your friends. She has really been a trooper through everything. She is so super brave and is just doing what she has to in order to get healthy.