Evalynn W.

Birth Date - May 19, 2015

Diagnosis - Retinoblastoma
Evalynn's Story

Evalynn was 13 months old at diagnosis. I noticed she had a lazy eye and wanted to get it checked out at her 1 year well baby visit. The pediatrician directed us to a pediatric ophthalmologist. The pediatric ophthalmologist immediately saw a tumor in Evalynn's eye. Within one week she was receiving her 1st round of chemotherapy.

Evalynn went through 6 rounds of chemotherapy and finished December 2016. 
At this time she is newly in remission but will continue to have scans under anesthesia every two months until she is 5 years old to make sure her tumor remains calcified.

"Thank you so so much!!!! Evalynn absolutely loves her quilt!!! Truly breathtaking!"